Dr Subhendu Raj

Dr Subhendu Raj

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Nov 23, 2015

Alien technology or not, was Kailasa Temple in Ellora Caves built by humans at all?


A few archaeologists and explorers have raised suspicion over the centuries-old claims of Kailasa Temple based in Ellora Caves; that it is purely a hand carved temple!
World’s oldest and most famous creation Kailasa temple was carved out of a gigantic mountain from top to bottom in carved-in technique (opposite to the carved-out skill known to human kind).
Historians in India and abroad have expressed their confusion over belief that 400,000 tonnes of rock was scooped out to carve-in this temple, which took around 18 years; humanly impossible!
According to history, Mughal emperor Aurangzeb had order the demolition of Kailasa temple. For the task he sent over 1000 laborers, but to his dismay even after working day and night for over 3 years, they could barely manage to disfigure a few statues here and there.
Going by archaeological facts, it is clearly impossible to do what had been done eras before even with the new-found technology of today’s times.
Does that mean, some extra-terrestrial technology was used to create this structure?
Watch this video to know the hidden secrets of the Kailasa temple.


Saturday, 13 August 2016

In Defense of Communism

"Life was better under Communism" says the majority of Russians, Romanians and Eastern Germans

Special to In Defense of Communism.

First of all, let us say that the proper phrase is "under Socialism". During the 20th century, the Soviet Union and the socialist countries of Eastern Europe were in the process of socialist construction. According to the Marxist-Leninist theory, "Socialism" consist the first stage (phase) of Communism. 

Having said the above, let's go to the core issue. The people who have lived both under Socialism and Capitalism give their answer to the various bourgeois and petty bourgeois unhistorical slanders. Various polls in former Socialist countries prove that the majority of people, in Russia and Eastern Europe, think that life was better before the counter-revolutions and the restoration of Capitalism. Under Socialism their major problems had been solved: Free education, free healthcare for all, social security, jobs, free vacation and holidays for everyone, etc. The restoration of Capitalism brought an unprecedented barbarity in almost every sector of public life: Social inequalities, unemployment, privatization of major public sectors from healthcare to education, etc. 

On March 2016, a survey conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Center (VTsIOM) showed that: 

More than half of Russians (64%) would vote to maintain the Soviet Union if a referendum were held today.  This figure increases from 47% among those 18-24 to 76% among respondents age 60 and more. Only 20% of Russian citizens would vote negatively for preserving the Soviet Union, according to the poll results.

During the same period (March 2016), a similar survey by the Levada Center Survey in Russia showed that:
The electoral results of March 17, 1991
which the counter-revolutionary clique
of Gorbachev-Yeltsin defiantly
More than half (51%) of the Russians said that the collapse of the Soviet Union could have been avoided. 

More than half (56%) of the Russians regred the collapse of the USSR (in fact, the victory of counter-revolution).

The majority of the participants in the survey (58%) said that they would welcome the revival of the Soviet Union and the socialist system.

Polls conducted in the previous years have produced similar results. A survey by the Russia's Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) back in 2013, showed that 60% of Russians think that the life in the Soviet Union had more positive than negative aspects. Furthermore, in the same poll, 43% of the respondents would welcome the re-adoption of communist ideology, while 38% were not happy about such a perspective. 

While reading the above, we must take into account the powerful anti-communist propaganda of the last two decades, the slanders and lies against the socialist system by the bourgeois media and political parties. 


On June 2009, a survey conducted in Germany showed that 57% of eastern Germans defend the German Democratic Republic (GDR)Of those polled, 49% said “The GDR had more good sides than bad sides. There were some problems, but life was good there.” The poll was reported on Spiegel Online (which, however, tried to vilify GDR with anti-communist lies) and consists a proof that, according to historian Stefan Wolle, "a new form of Ostalgie has taken shape".


In a July 2010 IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) poll, according to which 41% of the respondents would have voted for Ceausescu, had he run for the position of president. And 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism, while only 23% attested that their life was worse then. Some 68% declared that communism was a good idea, just one that had been poorly applied. 

In a 2014 survey by the INSCOP Research poll revealed that 44.4 percent of the respondents believed that living conditions were better under communism.


According to a report by the Pew Research Center, on April 2010, 72% of Hungarians say that most people in their country are actually worse off today economically than they were under communism. Only 8% say most people in Hungary are better off, and 16% say things are about the same.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Why Are There So Many White Young American Men Without College Degrees?
Young white men without college degrees could throw the election. But how are they still such a dominant group?

The country is divided any which way you look at it. Some of it is generational, some of it is cultural, and some of it is geographic.
And some of it, it turns out, is what you might call educational. According tonumbers cited by the New York Times earlier this month, young white American men without college degrees overwhelmingly support Donald Trump. Men and women without college degrees accounted for nearly half the electorate in 2012, or roughly 64 million people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 97 million white people, 60 million men of a variety of races, and 23 million white men and women between the ages of 25 to 34 do not have an associates degree or higher. This gives some context for how many millions of young white men in the country have not gone beyond high school. Now this powerful demographic could determine the 2016 outcome. The Times's Nate Cohn doesn’t mince words: "It’s enough to keep the election close. It could even be enough for him to win."
While we could ask why they support Trump, perhaps more telling is, why are there still so many of them?
Diagnosing why there are so many isn’t so simple. But a lot of it has to do with a series of economic and cultural issues from the last few decades.
Dewayne Matthews, the vice president of strategy at the Lumina Foundation, a private organization working to expand access to post-secondary education, offered several thoughts when I called him up. Since the 1980s, the number of young men who pursue higher education has increased only slightly; since 1991, women with college degrees outnumber men; in 2014, it was 34% to 26%.
And this situation is not unique to the U.S. The widening gap between young men and women with degrees is occurring in "all industrial and post-industrial countries," Matthews said. "It’s spreading even into the developing world."
"You’re talking about generations of families in communities that were build around a certain type of work."
Why? "Structural shifts in the economy," according to Matthews. In the early- to mid-20th century, the U.S. was an industrial nation where young men with a high school diploma could find jobs that earned them middle-class incomes. "You could get those jobs in a lot of sectors," Matthews explained, citing manufacturing, natural resources, and forestry. "These were jobs that were held mostly by men—paid very good wages—and didn’t require post-secondary education."
Now the job market has drastically shifted and demands a workforce with at least some specialized skill. Demand for entry-level positions in dying industries like mining and factory work is waning, while sectors like computer science and engineering are continually ramping up. Matthews told me the story of an energy company CEO who began his tenure at the company reading energy meters. "Now," he said, "the meter reads itself." Which is to say that technology has made some jobs obsolete, all while increasing the need for specialized skills for even entry-level positions.
And still, many young men continue to opt out of post-secondary opportunities. "You’re talking about generations of families in communities that were built around a certain type of work," Matthews said. Changing the culture of what young men do—or imagine they can do—for a living takes time. So is it any wonder that so many men from working-class backgrounds are heartened by Trump's promises that he will bring back coal jobs?
Nicole Smith, a research professor and chief economist at the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, sees a more systemic problem. While it's true there are many young white men who haven't gone beyond high school, they are part of a larger group of low-income U.S. citizens. "The poor," she said, "have a lower likelihood to get a college education." And while there are a great deal of white men who fit this description, there are even more people of color—men and women—who do. In 2015, 54% of Caucasians between the ages of 25 and 29 had associates degrees or higher, compared to 31% of African-Americans and 26% of Hispanics.
"The poor have a lower likelihood to get a college education."
She added that there’s a prevalent perception by the white male population that they still could be able to earn an income with no advanced education. "The problem with that outlook," she said, "is that the world has changed." If people don’t invest in acquiring technical skills, they will be left behind. "Given that perception and given this reality," Smith said, "there needs to be better ways of encouraging low-income white males to enter college."
This perception is likely what leads these uneducated white men toward supporting more conservative candidates. "We've found," she said, "that there's usually a disconnect between the politics of a question and the economics." In terms of why non-educated white men may support Trump, they likely feel threatened by the growing demographic of non-white people who could, they imagine, hypothetically take their resources and opportunities. "For people who might have enjoyed positions of privilege," she said, "based solely on their race or ethnicity status . . . it could be disconcerting." There are only so many non-skilled jobs for them, the rationale goes. So Trump's anti-immigration stance may speak to low-income white people who feel threatened by the prospect of an increasingly ethnically diverse country, regardless of the fact that this reality wouldn't actually hinder their future employment opportunities.
All the same, given the disproportionate number of white people who do graduate college (or beyond) compared with people of color, it is crucial that we focus this lack of secondary education toward everyone in the low-income bracket, regardless of race.
And it’s even more important to consider gender. College-goers, said Smith, are "overwhelmingly women." In fact, according to the Census Bureau, 30.2% of women in 2014 had bachelors degrees or higher compared to 29.9% of men. The problem, said Smith, is that "you’re not seeing enough males, period."
In response, some states have been implementing programs designed to incentivize people to go to college. Matthews pointed to Indiana, which launched a scholarship program called "21st Century Scholars" that significantly boosted secondary education attendance. But, he added, "There’s still a long way to go."
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Source : https://www.fastcompany.com/3062321/election-2016/why-are-there-so-many-white-young-american-men-without-college-degrees