Dr Subhendu Raj

Dr Subhendu Raj

Friday, 9 September 2016

What really happens after the Ganpati idols are immersed during Visarjan?


1. Ganpati Bappa Morya!

Ganpati Bappa Morya!
Ganesha festival is a global celebration which begins with welcoming of the Ganpati idols at home amid chants of ‘Ganpati Bappa Morya’. This 11-day long festivity ends with large scale immersion of these idols into sea, lakes, oceans, etc. This procession of bidding adieu to the deity and requesting him to come back soon is a widely known concept. But, another far and wide known fact is that these immersing of idols made using plaster of paris, paints, rods, clothes, etc. have harmful effects on the environment.

2. Vignaharta

Devotees with faces smeared with gulaal have no idea of how much destruction they cause to the environment, their own neighborhood, etc. during the Ganpati idol procession for visarjan. The roads are not only jam-packed with people, but with rotting garlands, puja material, oil, flowers, and earthen lamps. These are things which are obviously seen, but ignored vehemently. Have you ever wondered how much destruction is caused after the idols are immersed? Read it here…

3. Dreadful conditions of water bodies

Dreadful conditions of water bodies
If you physically observe the water bodies, you will instantly notice the dissimilarity over the surface, with the count of dead fish, dirty rotting around the shore, etc. Immersion of non-bio degradable substances along with the idols results in deterioration of water quality, thus raising the total hardness and turbidity of the water.

4. Metal dumping hampers disposal

Metal dumping hampers disposal
As these Ganesha idols are prepped with heavy metal props, once immersed these metals disturb the concentration of water making it difficult for drinking purposes for humans and animals both. Not just this, regular annual checks of the water bodies before and after of Ganpati visarjan, was found to be at warning state. Over the time, there has been a significant rise in heavy metals like, mercury, magnesium, silicon, molybdenum, which makes it difficult for the idol to putrefy.

5. Big ball of plaster

Big ball of plaster
If someone would dare to go deep into these water bodies, they will see the huge amount of plaster rotting at the sea bed. Plaster of paris doesn’t get easily dissolved in water and when mixed with paint (used in making Ganpati idols) the process of decay prolongs.

6. Even God can’t breathe deep down

Even God can’t breathe deep down
We immerse these idols because they are lifeless, but what about the lives of aquatic animals living under? The sea life is the worst affected during and idol immersion. Imagine, loads of animals coming and dumping their products right inside your house. Then why do we? POP, paint, flowers, oil, etc, form a thin layer over the water surface, thus reducing the oxygen content of water to 50%. Why else would we see shoals of dead aquatic animals surfacing the water body?

7. What happens to all the accessories?

What happens to all the accessories?
Ganesha idols decked up with heavy jewels, chhatris, clothes, huge garlands are a sight to see. Some are even bejeweled with gold and silver accessories, which attract devotees nationwide. But, do these accessories are immersed along with the idols, then why only the idols? People need to understand that sea life is equally important like those earthy metals, and we must do something to preserve our water bodies.

8. Ganesh idols lie helpless waiting to be cleaned off

Ganesh idols lie helpless waiting to be cleaned off
Once the Visarjan is over, devotees return to their homes and forget of what they left behind. The morning after Ganesh Visarjan, sees roads filled with dirt, rotting flowers, color, garland and accessories. While some idols go deep into the sea, a few have their parts lying around the shore or beaches, in a manner which no one would want their gods to be. The idols which once you prayed, now lie helpless with broken parts sprawled across land.

9. Sacred ending to his idols

Sacred ending to his idols
The way we welcome and respect his stay, doesn't he desreve a better ending as well? Can't we find ways to ensure that our lord and his givings to this world receives equal love and care from us.

10. What would Ganpati ji have wanted?

What would Ganpati ji have wanted?
To think about each and every one that does get affected in a negative way during the visarjan. To be prepared using eco-friendly material, so that no aquatic life breathes their last after his immersion. Above all he genuinely would have wanted to not degrade his mother’s sisters (remember all rives and seas are sisters of Goddess Parvati)

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